Wajah Dulu dan Kini....hehehe

Hmmm...ade sesape ingat x pasal band New Kids On The Block (NKOTB)??? Bagaimanakah pula dgn suria baja hitam, gaban, flashman,maskman? Yg suatu ketika dahulu kita duk tggu dpn tv ptg2 smpai sanggup ponteng kelas agama..hehe..syok oo citer tu...teruja aku tgk..smpai tahap aku penah simpan cita-cita nk jd salah sorg anggota flashman..flash kuning..hehe..haa...band NKOTB ni popular time tu laa....skrg ni xtau la masih wujud lg ke x band tu..kalo ade pn, da tua da..hehe..
Dulu, masa aku muda remaja, aku antara peminat setia band niiii...hehe..time tu aku 6tahun..x skolah lg, blk je tadika, tanpa masuk ke dapur untuk mjamah hidangan yg telah disediakan oleh umi aku, aku terus tukar baju n duk dpn radio...watpe? haaa...pasang kaset beb...hehe..kaset NKOTB...kaset tu aku dpt dr satu2nya supplier aku, iaitu, maksu aku yg pd ms tu tggal bsama famili aku...pe lagi, layan la lagu diorg smpai umi aku jerit dr dapur suh msk mkn tghari..hehe..yg bestnye, aku bkn stakat dgr je, aku siap hafal lirik!!!hahaha...tp disebabkan aku pd ms tu xreti n xpaham BI, so, aku ciptalah lirik aku sdri, mngikut apa yg telinga aku dgr time tu...n smpai la skrg ni, kalo aku xtgk lirik sbnr, aku akan terikut2 lirik buatan aku tu time nyanyi lagu2 diorg...hehe...
Betapa minatnya aku pd NKOTB ni pd ms tu, smpaikan abah aku belikan aku beg skolah de gmbar muke ahli grup diorg siap de autograph diorg lg (xtahu la mn abah aku beli beg tu...yg pasti, beg tu kaler merah)...kotak pensel gmbar diorg...t-shirt pn de gmbar diorg...tape2 (time tu xde vcd lg..hehe) xyah cakap la...bersusun kt tepi tv umah aku..tape konsert diorg, video klip diorg...smua tape tu, maksu aku yg beli..hehehe..lagu yg aku paaaaaling suka time tu....STEP BY STEP...HAPPY BIRTHDAY...TONIGHT dan LETS TRY AGAIN...
Kalo nk tahu lirik yg aku cipta sdri time muda2 dulu, ni haa kt bwh ni...hehehe...tp ni pn ade yg aku dah lupa...da lame laa...hehe
LETS TRY AGAIN...BY: Me...hehe
I her lot of love...Den lestik forever
I ges for vizeway
And dai her lot tu love...Denne did curdur..
Wa dis laaaa...Wen dis no aaa det kennn
Next time yu nii maila...A windeyyy
Ee rigth ba yo saai
Lets try againnnn nahh...try again...lets try again
Mai lof fommiwet hasfu wayyyy
Lets try againnnn nahh...telmi’ennn
Homigooos i love u....
I her lot tu los...Dats stay ee curdur...
Din wonder tu de night..
And dai her lot tu los...Dat pray for curdur...
Dinnai tu fassofaai
Nauwai no....Jes wan tu star abao..
Next time yu nii maila
A wontaaa...det yu nonogen
Lets try againnnn nahh...try again...lets try again
Mai lof fommiwet hasfu wayyyy
Lets try againnnn nahh...telmi’ennn
Homigooos i love u....yuhuuuuuu...
Lirik yg sebenar...
I’ve heard of true love that lasted forever,
I guess there is a way,
And i’ve heard of true love that needed each other,
More and more each day,
What is love when there’s no one that cares?
Next time you need my love i’ll be there,
Be right by your side..
Let’s try it again, try it again, let’s try it again,
My love for you, it has no end,
Let’s try it again, till the end, all because I LOVE YOU...
I’ve heard of two love, that stayed with each other,
Didn’t wonder through the night,
And i’ve heard of two loves that prayed for each other,
Didn’t argue, fuss or fight,
Now i know just what love’s all about,
Next time you need my love i won’t doubt, doubt your love again..
Let’s try it again, try it again, let’s try it again,
My love for you, it has no end,
Let’s try it again, till the end, all because I LOVE YOU...
Hehehe...sib bek aku xletak lirik STEP BY STEP...lirik rekaan aku tuk lagu tu aku sdri pn xtahan
nk bace...mngarut je...hehehe...huuu...rindu lak zaman kecik2 dlu...mcm2 kenangan manis...:)
K la...njoy da lyrics..hehe